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13 Sept 2012

What Your Boss Sees on Your Computer

“Do you agree to use your office computer for personal work?”
 “You are guilty as charged”
We’ve all used our office internet and computers to do some personal errands. We’ve also sat at work and shopped or even used FaceBook and Twittered around. If that was a crime then well, we’re all criminals then, aren’t we?
It might seem that your employer would have no idea about what you’re doing on your computer when you pretend to work but its time to burst that happy bubble. Your boss knows exactly what you do on your computer and when you do it, it’s a blessing of technology and employee monitoring strategies. We usually don’t take the warning, “I’m keeping an eye on you” very seriously but its time we should.
New technology and spyware applications are installed in all the devices employees work on. Although their basic task is to identify employee performance and the use of company’s resources they also aim to provide employers with ample information about their employees. With technology like packet-sniffers, employers can easily go through all the internet content you have viewed or are still viewing. Employers know the websites you visit and what content you open in those websites. They also have complete access to all the incoming and outgoing emails in your mailbox and whatever online data you download. Anything and everything you do on Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox or Internet Explorer is easily accessible to your employers.
So if you’re opening Facebook to reply to a friend’s wall post or post a status about how boring or hectic work is, think twice because your boss would know exactly what you type in and what comments you receive. Although this is a breach of personal privacy it still is a part of employee monitoring. Every time you open EBay or Amazon or any retail website to ponder around products every once in a while to break your work monotony… well guess who else would know? Your employer would be notified and hence would know exactly what you’re doing.
Apart from packet-sniffers employers are also using desktop monitoring to keep an eye on you. PC monitoring identifies whatever you type on your keyboard and then notifies your boss about it. If you are connected to the company’s portal and spending time chatting with your peers your boss would know exactly what you type. PC monitoring software also takes up print screen shots of your desktop screen and transmits them to your boss. Your employer would know at all times what you’re doing at the computer and the print screen shot would show the employer if you’re conducting serious office work or playing Pac-man on your computer.
Finally employers use log-files, a history of data compilation in your computer. Whatever content you have visited or downloaded your employer would receive information about all of it with log-files. Employers would know if you’ve download games onto your computer with the company’s Wi-Fi or filled your ITunes and IPod with mp3 songs using the company’s internet resources. Many times employers warn about such actions and might even cut back some pay from your personal salary.
Your boss knows exactly what you’re doing on your computer and when you’re doing it so every time you open up FaceBook, EBay or decide to download a couple of mp3 songs for fun think twice because all your content is easily viewable and accessible. So here is a fair warning, next time just think before you type any funny or rude comment against your bosses tie, he might be the one reading it even before you have posted it.
Author Bio:
Beth has been playing with android spy software technology for as far as she can remember. His pieces are funfair of information for his readers on what's new and what's hot in the cell spyware reviews market.

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Hi! I am Saqlain, a Certified Ethical Hacker, Pro Blogger, Computer Engineer and an Addicted Web Developer. Read More..

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