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8 May 2012

How to Hack Websites Through Dictionary Attacks : Reverse Engineering

What is a Dictionary Attack?

It is when a list of dictionary words are used for cracking a password database. It is commonly used for hacking social media websites ond others. Some strong passwords aren't cracked by this method but 70% of them can be hacker by using dictionary attack. So guys in this lesson I will teach you, how to crack/hack website  passwords of your victims by using this cool method, As I have posted many different hacking articles on facebook and others but this method could also be used to hack websites.So, for hacking someones website through dictionary attacks I would like to use Brutus software which is the best for hacking and cracking passwords. You can Download it.

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Why using Dictionary Attack?

1) Safe & Secured
2) Reverse Engineering
3) No need for sending Keyloggers

How Hackers Crack Website's Password Through Brutus?

1) First the hacker will choose a target of website, In this article i would use my home's computer and Ip address
2) So by going to Ftp Browser, a popup box would ask username and password.

3) Now the hacker would launch a program like brutus and others, I am using brutus.

4) Now in the target box you will put the Ip address, next in type use FTP, port should be 21 but some sites changes port to make them secure, dont worry you would find the right port by scanning it.
5) Now you have to make User file and Pass File name and browse your passwords list file, for example

6) Now once you start the program, it would connect to the server and will starts trying passwords for cracking.

7) So if you would lucky your password would may be match with your targeted site.

8) If You want to use a safe dictionary attack method better use proxy server because it cloaks your network IP address by straight sending your network connection request through another computer before going to the targeted website.

Enjoy Hacking !

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Shabbar on 8 May 2012 at 16:00 said...

nice website, very good information!!
add me on fb plz..

Anonymous said...

will this work on ssl i use macbook

Unknown on 8 May 2012 at 16:04 said...

This will only work on a FTP server!

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Hi! I am Saqlain, a Certified Ethical Hacker, Pro Blogger, Computer Engineer and an Addicted Web Developer. Read More..

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